Oil and Gas Industry

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There are many different
departments in oil and gas industry which have continuous demand of skilled oil
and gas professionals such as: Design department: piping designer, mechanical
engineer, construction manager, engineering manager, technical planner.
There are many different
departments in oil and gas industry which have continuous demand of skilled oil
and gas professionals such as: Engineering department: field production
engineers, petroleum engineers, reservoir engineers and drilling engineers.
There are many different
departments in oil and gas industry which have continuous demand of skilled oil
and gas professionals such as: Geological science department: biostratigrapher,
geologist, geophysical specialist, petrophysicist, sedimentologist, seismic
There are many different
departments in oil and gas industry which have continuous demand of skilled oil
and gas professionals such as: Environmental department: ecologist,
hydrologist, toxicologist, environmental engineer, geochemist.
There are many different
departments in oil and gas industry which have continuous demand of skilled oil
and gas professionals such as: Health and safety department: health and safety
coordinator, medical health officer, safety specialist, service rig supervisor,
paramedic, doctor.
There are many different
departments in oil and gas industry which have continuous demand of skilled oil
and gas professionals such as: Communication and analysis department: radio
operator, human resource manager, financial analyst, business analyst, research
There are many different
departments in oil and gas industry which have continuous demand of skilled oil
and gas professionals such as: Science department: biologist, chemist,
metallurgist, chemical laboratory assistant, oilfield chemist.
There are many different
departments in oil and gas industry which have continuous demand of skilled oil
and gas professionals such as: Logistics department: materials and logistics
manager, project logistics manager, logistics coordinator, logistics
specialist, pipeline operator.
There are many different
departments in oil and gas industry which have continuous demand of skilled oil
and gas professionals such as: Hospitality and Catering department: camp boss,
chefs, stewards, mess boys etc.

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