Dynamic Positioning Ship Jobs

DP Ships Jobs

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While all vessel positioning techniques have their own merits, many operations which were not achievable before are now possible by dynamic positioning techniques.

Apart from Dynamic Positioning System other techniques of positioning a vessel are the application of an anchor pattern and the use of a jack-up rig/barge. All positioning techniques have their own merits and demerits. Let’s have a look:

Difference Between Different Positioning Techniques.


        Maneuverability is superb; it is trouble-free to shift position.

        Anchor handling tugs are not needed.

        Not related to water depth

        Rapid arrangement.

        Not limited by hindered seabed.


        Complicated systems with thrusters, extra generators and controllers.

        High primary costs of installation.

        High energy expenses.

        Possibility of going off position in situation of intense currents or winds, or due to system failures or blackouts.

        Under-sea dangers from thrusters for divers and ROVs.

        Excessive upkeep of the mechanical systems.


Jack-up Rig/Barge Techniques

        None Complicated systems with no thrusters, extra generators and controllers.

        No possibility of going off position by system failures or blackouts.

        No under-sea dangers from thrusters for divers and ROVs.



• Zero maneuverability once positioned.

        It is restricted to water depths of upto 175 meters.



Anchor Pattern Techniques


        None Complicated systems with no thrusters, extra generators and controllers.

        No possibility of going off position by system failures or blackouts.

        No under-sea dangers from thrusters for divers and ROVs.



        Restricted maneuverability once positioned.

        Anchor handling tugs are needed.

        Not appropriate for deeper water.

        Long anchoring in and anchoring out time which may differ between many hours to few days.

        Limited by blocked ocean floor (pipelines, seabed).

The expenses are lessening due to latest and low-priced equipments, and the advantages are fitting more convincing as offshore projects are proceeding to ever deeper water and the environment (coral) is given more respect. With container operations, congested ports can be made more competent by faster and more perfect berthing methods. Cruise ship operations get helps from faster berthing and non-anchored "moorings" off beaches or unreachable ports.

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