Motivating Quotes

Motivating Quotes


“Whenever you feel weak, remember the things that made you Strong. Whenever you start to doubt yourself, remember those who believe in You.”


“Always be happy, keep smiling and laughing, one day life get tired upsetting you.”


“Right is right, even no one is doing it and wrong is wrong even everyone is doing it.”


God says : You do only that what want, but happens only that what I want.

You do only that what I want, then only that will happen what you want.


“Maturity is not when you start speaking big things, but it is when you start understanding small things.”


“If you don’t go after what you want you’ll never have it. If you don’t step forward you’re always in the same place.”


“A heartbreak is a blessing from God to let you understand that HE saved you from the wrong one.”


“A woman who doesn’t ask for anything deserves everything.”


“A successful marriage requires falling in Love many times, always with the same person.”


“It is better to be alone, than being with someone who makes you feel alone.”


“Silence is the best answer to a fool.”


“If you do not know about something, and you do not request politely the one who have knowledge of it, then there is no chance of knowing it.”


“End is not the end, in fact END is “Effort Never Dies” and if you get NO in response, then remember NO is “Next Opportunity”. Always be positive.”


“Each step may get harder, but do not give up because the view from the top is most beautiful.”


“One day will come when everything will become all right. So for now laugh at the confusions, smile through the tears, and keep reminding that everything happens for a reason.”


“If someone is strong enough to bring you down, show them that you are stronger enough to get up again, fight and will win.”


“Imagination is better than knowledge.”


“Nobody can degrade you without your consent.”