Offshore Derrick
Ship/Barge Jobs

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A derrick ship or barge is a vessel specifically
fitted with heavy lift crane used in offshore constructions. Usually single-hulled
ships are used, but for very heavy load lift gigantic crane are utilizied for
which double hull (catamaran type), multihull or semi-submersible type vessels are
deployed for maximum stability.
The mobility of derrick barge is done by tug
boats which also perform the function of anchor handling boats to position the
vessel alongside of an offshore platform. The derrick ship which uses self
propulsion move on its own and uses dynamic positioning system for going
alongside of an offshore platform under construction.
The derrick barges are very less susceptible to
bad sea conditions such as sea underwater current, sea swell, sea wind etc, so that it is possible for them to
function during the winter seasons around worldwide in different seas. Because
of its more stability
barges are capable of carrying very much heavier lifts than single hull
crane ships. So these huge derricks lessen the setting up time of a platform from one complete season to only few weeks.
The load of offshore pickups can be decreased by
building each section ashore and towing the structure to the location on big
material barge and then thereby lifting using a derrick barge’s huge crane
it onto the base foundation constructions which are fixed to the
ocean floor by de-ballasting. The offshore derrick barge gigantic cranes are
able to lift loads of even more than 14,000 tons.

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