Offshore Fast Crew Boat

Custom Search
Crew boat is a vessel dedicated for the transport of
offshore personnel, deck freight, and below deck cargo such as potable water, and
fuel to and from offshore units such as oil and gas platforms, oil drill rigs,
drill ship and dive support vessels, offshore barges such as construction
barges, pipe-lay barges, derrick barges, accommodation barges or offshore wind installations
Usually crew boats are always manned by licensed
double masters who stand 12 hour watches each, a deckhand or ordinary seaman
and an unlicensed engineer who also is responsible for certain deck duties
during his/her watch.
Fast crew boats may not carry passengers more
than the limit shown on the vessel's Certificate of Inspection issued by
maritime authority of the country in which it is operating. The maximum numbers
of passengers most of offshore fast crew boats carry is between 50 and 100 and provide
accommodation in airplane like comfortable seats.
All night accommodations for passengers generally
are not given aboard crew boats. Offshore crew boats are outfitted with thorough
galleys, dining rooms, heads with showers and staterooms for the crew members.
Crew boat’s crew members stay onboard the crew boat
during their period of rotations of duty, which may vary from 14 to 21 to 28 days
of rotations and is called hitches in the offshore transportation activity.
Crew boat Ms. Netty, a 225-ft. is presently the
world's largest mono-hull crew boat. Ms. Netty possess a clear deck area of 4,380
square feet and can transport 77,204 U.S. gallons of transferrable fuel and 66,300
US gallons of water, along with 74 passengers. Ms. Netty reaches a top speed of
33 kts. Crew boat Seacor Cheetah,
a 185-ft. catamaran attains a full speed in excess of 40 kts and can accommodates
up to 150 passengers, as well as 150 long tons of deck freight.

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